Showing posts with label Art. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Art. Show all posts

December 4, 2020

African cubist zebras in the living room!

After a full month of moving furniture back and forth the two fat zebras seem - slowly - with the pain of the artist, to have found their place among the rest of us.

July 7, 2020

The surroundings of SS

After weeks circumscribed to the four streets around the house I started a discovery adventure with my old bike. Towns around San Sebastian that before barely were more than names on a map or a sign post.  Hernani, Urnieta, Andoain, Lasarte, Zubieta, Usurbil, Aginaga, Astigarraga, Pasajes, Lezo. All of them now part of the adventure of discovery. Even Nico came one day along the Oria river, corn and apple trees on the meadows.
DarĂ­o de Regoyos, Landscape at Hernani ca.1900

June 26, 2020

For the sake of art

Always loyal to the mandates of form, I have spent hundreds of hours looking for the simple perfect layout, the right camera, reading reviews, browsing, and fighting with Apps and the PC.
I found finally a model that I liked, an old WordPress based blog called Art&Perception, my layout inspiration, the colors, the sizes, all that formality that I enjoy. I've settled though for a Blogger Template and customized it to make it look as much as possible like the Art and Perception one.  I would also keep it for now my iPhone 8 - no new Canon to be bought. More will come around "art" sure.